GHS 99 – There is Victory Within My Soul


1. There is vict’ry within my soul
For the Spirit with me abides,
Let the waves of temptation roll,
Jesus keeps me whate’er betides.

Victory, Victory, Vict’ry in my soul,
I have glorious victory
Since Jesus took control,
Victory, Victory, sweeping like a flood,
I have glorious victory thro’ Jesus’ blood.

2. Tho’ the conflict be fierce and long,
Tho’ the tempter my heart assail,
In my weakness yet I am strong,
For with Jesus I’ll e’er prevail.

3. I have victory over sin,
I have victory o’er grave;
Even death now has lost its sting,
Halleluyah I know I’m saved.

READ ALSO  GHS 107 - Go And Tell Them

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